Clean Clothes Campaign Turkey organized a protest in front of the Mango store in favor of the victims of Rana Plaza
The activists of Clean Clothes Campaign gathered together in front of the Mango store on İstiklal Street, in İstanbul, one day before the meeting to be held in Geneva considering the compensation for the victims of Rana Plaza. With the support of the people from groups like Hevi LGBT (A Kurdish LGBT group), Ayak Takımı, ÖDP (Freedom and Solidarity Party), Punto Deri (Leather) workers and Deri-İş (Leather Workers Union), the activists displayed the banner of Clean Clothes Campaign, demanding Mango to take responsibility for the Bangladeshi workers who lost their lives in Rana Plaza. Chanting slogans like “Mango, Mango pay up now, Rascal Mango, Shameful Mango, Dirty Mango, Workerphobic Mango, Transphobic Mango, Homophobic Mango (In Mango store a trans woman was behaved badly some years ago), Mango pay for what is the right of the orphans”, the activists made a public announcement demanding the payment of compensation for the victims of the biggest workplace accidents who died producing for Mango, Benetton and Walmart. There were also smaller banners: “Bloody Colors of Benetton, Attention, right of the orphan! Down with some clothes! Murderer of animals, enemy of labor, homophobic Mango, Cheap labor costs a lot”. The activists also collected a handful of 5 Cents, because Mango is in need of the 5 Cents of the workers! Then two of the activists entered the store in order to hand the letter and the 5 Cents to the manager of the store. Manager Özlem Samur accepted the letter and indicated that she would deliver it to top executives, in accordance with the demand of the activists. But she refused to take the 5 Cents. So the activists put the 5 Cents on the banner “Mango is in need of the 5 Cents of the workers” and wanted her to take a photo of the banner and send it to top executives. She accepted. 5 Cents were left to the door of the store. The public announcement ended with the slogan, “This is just the beginning, fight on”. The protest was supported by the passer-by, who also suggested some new slogans. Then the activists distributed leaflets and wrote slogans about the payment of the compensation on the walls of the Benetton store which is closed right now, but have been open for years on just on the corner of Mis Street.
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